
In brief
Lauttasaaren yhteiskoulu is an independent school and includes comprehensive school and Lauttasaari High School for International Business, KVL. Students enter the three-year comprehensive school (lower secondary) at the age of 13 and can continue their studies all the way through high school in the same school building. At the end of their high school studies students graduate by taking the matriculation examination.
Our comprehensive school offers several special programs: language immersion studies (Finnish and Swedish), language enriched studies (English), science studies and sports (mainly swimmers and football players). The average size of each class is about 20 students.
Lauttasaari High School for International Business offers two programs: the General Study Program where students can also emphasize Science and Technology studies, and the International Business Study Program (IBSP). Three groups start each year, one group being the students in the IBSP. The students in the upper secondary school choose their courses according to their individual preferences and interests and the actual study groups on different courses vary considerably in size.
The school opened its doors on September 1st, 1945. In 1967 the school moved to its present building which is designed by Kaija and Heikki Sirén. The school building includes a public swimming pool, two gymnasiums and an auditorium.
Should you have any more questions about our school in English, please contact Heikki Kotilainen: heikki.kotilainen@lauttasaarenyhteiskoulu.fi